Why Municipal Broadband?

Cambridge is a high tech, entrepreneurial city, and far too many residents lack affordable, reliable, high-speed Internet access. Other cities have created municipal networks that provide their residents with lower cost and higher quality access.

Considered the fourth utility after heat, water, and electricity, access to the Internet is increasingly necessary to participate in 21st century society. Some may even say the Internet is a basic human right - we’d agree. Cambridge residents without Internet access cannot apply for jobs, use many city services, do their homework, operate a small business, or arrange a date. In these pandemic times the need for affordable, reliable, and fast internet access has become even more critical.

A municipal network will help Cambridge address the digital divide. A municipal network is a competitive advantage for Cambridge and its residents and businesses. As cities and towns around Cambridge improve their Internet Infrastructure, it is becoming a competitive necessity. 

Our Mission

Upgrade Cambridge is a grassroots organization that seeks to raise public support for municipal broadband. We believe that a city-owned network that provides reliable high speed internet service to all of Cambridge, regardless of the ability to pay, is necessary to address digital equity.  It will also provide Cambridge and its residents with a 21st century competitive advantage.