Sean Gonsalves from ILSR writes about Cambridge Municipal Broadband. May 30, 2023
CTC and The Rebel Group present their framework for studying how Cambridge can move forward with Municipal Broadband. May 4, 2022
Cambridge signs contract with CTC Technology and Energy for municipal broadband feasibility study October 8, 2021
Benton Institute publishes study on Public Private Partnerships for Community Owned Fiber Networks, October 14, 2020
Concord, MA CIO Mark Howell writes about their community owned network in Saving net neutrality, one house at a time, Washington Post, April 22, 2018
The Public Internet Option: How Local Governments Can Provide Network Neutrality, Privacy, and Access for All. Jay Stanley, ACLU, March 30, 2018
Cambridge Mayor Marc McGovern signs on to Mayors for Net Neutrality. March 29, 2018.
Meeting Notice: The Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning; Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations Committee will conduct a public hearing to gain a better understanding of the extent of the City’s digital divide and to explore possible ways to increase digital access. March 22, 2018 at 4pm, Cambridge City Hall.
Grassroots Organization Pushes for Municipal Broadband. Scout Cambridge, March 15, 2018.
Group forms to pressure city on broadband, saying ‘no alternative’ to municipal inaction. Cambridge Day, March 7, 2018.
Cambridge Residents Announce Formation of Upgrade Cambridge. Press Release, March 7, 2018
Quincy officials eye municipal internet network. The Patriot Ledger, February 28, 2018.
CPS’ Chromebook effort, Comcast program, just point to need for municipal broadband. Cambridge Day, February 26, 2018.
Upgrade Cambridge Newsletters
Newsletter #40, Action Alert, Municpal Broadband at City Council Monday
Newsletter #39, Action Alert, Policy Order introduction delayed 1 week
Newsletter #38, Action Alert, Municpal Broadband at City Council
Newsletter #37, Action Alert, Town Hall Meeting at the Senior Center
Newsletter #36, An Update from the City, Digital Equity in Cambridge
Newsletter #35, Transparency from the City?
Newsletter #34, Roundtable Review
Newsletter #33, 21st Century Broadband Study to be Released
Newsletter #32, Roundtable Review
Newsletter #31, Broadband Roundtable at City Hall
Newsletter #30, Cambridge Municipal Broadband Feasibility Study
Newsletter #29, Now is the time for Municipal Broadband, Digital Equity in Cambridge
Action Alert, Support the Policy Orders re: digital equity
Action Alert, Urge the city to fix the flawed RFP for municipal broadband feasibility study
Newsletter #28, Comcast Increases Rates while City Manager Delays Feasibility Study
Newsletter #27, What should be in the Cambridge Broadband Feasibility Study
Newsletter #26 City Manager Agrees to Broadband Feasibility Study
Newsletter #25 Broadband at City Council Again
Newsletter #24 Presidential Election and Policy Order
Newsletter #23 Broadband and Beers
Newsletter #22 Election Day and Rally Follow-up
Newsletter #21 Petition Reminder 1300+ signatures
Newsletter #20 Petition Reminder
Newsletter #19 Rally Announcement
Newsletter #18 The State of Municipal Broadband
Newsletter #17 Google Pulls Out of Louisville
Newsletter #16 Digital Equity RFP Issued
Newsletter #15 Petition Campaign Continues More
Newsletter #14 Petition Campaign Continues
Newsletter #13 City Manager Approves Digital Equity Study
Newsletter #12.2 Action Alert follow up
Newsletter #12.1 Action Alert
Newsletter #12 Petition Announcement
Newsletter #11 Park(ing) Day Announcement, Campaign Kickoff Review
Newsletter #10 Campaign Announcement
Newsletter #9 Mobilization Meeting Announcement
Newsletter #8 Dividing Lines Panel Announcement
Newsletter #7 Dividing Lines Movie Screening Announcement
Newsletter #6 ACLU Public Internet Option Announcement
Newsletter #5 Digital Equity Policy Order Announcement
Newsletter #4 Senator Markey Net Neutrality Discussion
Newsletter #3 Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Meeting
Newsletter #2.1 Public Meeting follow-up
Newsletter #2 Public Meeting Announcement
Newsletter #32, Roundtable Review
Newsletter #31, Broadband Roundtable at City Hall
Newsletter #30, Cambridge Municipal Broadband Feasibility Study
Newsletter #29, Now is the time for Municipal Broadband, Digital Equity in Cambridge
Action Alert, Support the Policy Orders re: digital equity
Action Alert, Urge the city to fix the flawed RFP for municipal broadband feasibility study
Newsletter #28, Comcast Increases Rates while City Manager Delays Feasibility Study
Newsletter #27, What should be in the Cambridge Broadband Feasibility Study
Newsletter #26 City Manager Agrees to Broadband Feasibility Study
Newsletter #25 Broadband at City Council Again
Newsletter #24 Presidential Election and Policy Order
Newsletter #23 Broadband and Beers
Newsletter #22 Election Day and Rally Follow-up
Newsletter #21 Petition Reminder 1300+ signatures
Newsletter #20 Petition Reminder
Newsletter #19 Rally Announcement
Newsletter #18 The State of Municipal Broadband
Newsletter #17 Google Pulls Out of Louisville
Newsletter #16 Digital Equity RFP Issued
Newsletter #15 Petition Campaign Continues More
Newsletter #14 Petition Campaign Continues
Newsletter #13 City Manager Approves Digital Equity Study
Newsletter #12.2 Action Alert follow up
Newsletter #12.1 Action Alert
Newsletter #12 Petition Announcement
Newsletter #11 Park(ing) Day Announcement, Campaign Kickoff Review
Newsletter #10 Campaign Announcement
Newsletter #9 Mobilization Meeting Announcement
Newsletter #8 Dividing Lines Panel Announcement
Newsletter #7 Dividing Lines Movie Screening Announcement
Newsletter #6 ACLU Public Internet Option Announcement
Newsletter #5 Digital Equity Policy Order Announcement
Newsletter #4 Senator Markey Net Neutrality Discussion
Newsletter #3 Neighborhood and Long Term Planning Meeting
Newsletter #2.1 Public Meeting follow-up
Newsletter #2 Public Meeting Announcement