Digital Equity - Virtually every high income household in Cambridge has broadband. Only 50% of low income households have broadband.
Monopoly - Most people are limited to one option for broadband.
Expensive - A Harvard study has shown that municipal broadband is less expensive than commercial broadband and that municipal pricing is straightforward and easy to understand (no teaser pricing and confusing bundles).
Customer Service - Comcast is consistently rated worst in the entire country. Consumer Reports has found that some of the most loved ISPs are municipal systems.
Privacy - Commercial ISPs want to sell your browsing data. A municipal system won’t.
Transit - Cambridge has a transit crisis--municipal internet will make remote work more effective.
Competitive Requirement - In the city where the internet was invented we don’t have a reliable fast and affordable network infrastructure.
Reliability - The current infrastructure frequently breaks down. Reliable internet access is necessary for working, learning, entertainment, shopping, connecting, and living in the 21st century.
City-owned network - like water and street lights
Access - available to everyone, regardless of ability to pay
Just an ISP - private companies still provide services like Netflix and HBO
Fast - fiber to the home is much faster than Comcast will ever be
Privacy - the city won’t sell your data
Net Neutrality - city won’t slow down Netflix or other services
Local Control - No anti-consumer practices, data caps, mandatory bundles, or rate hikes
Gigabit fiber to every home in Cambridge
About the price of a new school in Cambridge
Look to benchmark cities for guidance (there are over 750 communities that already have municipal fiber)
Endorse - say “I support a community owned network in Cambridge”
Leadership - advocate for municipal broadband
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